Equities are the best investment (most of the time)
When working people start accumulating money, they need to invest it somewhere. European and North American banks no longer pay reasonable interest rates for current accounts and even deposit accounts. The Chinese stock market bubble burst has dominated the business news this summer (summer of 2015). It went down some 40 percent in less than 3 months. With the frequency of such bubble bursts, the average person can be forgiven for thinking that investing in equities is too risky. And so a lot of people end up investing in real estate. The conventional thinking goes that although real estate bubbles exist - as evidenced by the latest crash in 2007- real estate values will never go down to zero. Or if they can’t afford it then they invest into interest bank accounts (where they still exist) The Lehman Brothers crash has been on the minds of a lot of investors in recent years. There were indeed several fortunes that got wiped out when that bank went bankrupt. Some people thought th...