
Showing posts from August 5, 2019

The color Red and the Language of Science

A stunning conclusion of 20 th -century philosophy is that there are properties in the world that are not amenable to scientific exploration. This conclusion sprang from the study of consciousness. We are all conscious, or so we believe. But this consciousness, this experience of being each one of us has so far escaped science. In fact, from a scientific perspective, it is just easy to imagine a functional human being without consciousness. The latter notion of a nonconscious functional human being is known as a Philosophical Zombie or P-Zombie. Such a P-Zombie as the thought experiment goes, acts just like a functional human being but doesn’t have consciousness. And from the perspective of science, it is impossible to tell the difference with a conscious human being. But what is consciousness? Frank Jackson, a 20 th -century philosopher, in one of his seminal papers, introduces this notion of Qualia. Qualia is the feeling that we humans (and probably animals) have of...